wow. say it isn't so! i don't FEEL old enough to have a 15 year old. but alas, it's true.
austin was our first born and to say we were clueless in the beginning is an understatement. i still remember the night that, as a newborn, he cried sooooo much that we called the 24 hour prayer hotline @ christian broadcasting network asking for prayers for him (and i think more for us LOL). the older woman who talked to me and prayed with me was probably trying not to laugh at us but i'm sure she had a good chuckle when she hung up.
but once we got past the newborn stage, austin cut us some slack. he was SUCH an easy going toddler...then an easy going kid, and now an easy going young man. i hear the horror stories of other teens and i am so thankful that this has not been our experience...HIS experience. i realize it's premature to think that it's all going to be a piece of cake (mmmm...cake...that's later tonight). but so far, so good and i hope and pray that the kind, soft heart that he has now will carry him through the coming years.
from the time he could hold a pencil, he's been drawing. and continues to do so. it's in his genes. and each new drawing continues to amaze me.
austin, i pray that you continue to draw...that you continue to dream...that you continue to grow closer to God (and i pray that you would maybe be inspired at some point to keep a cleaner room).