Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Bespectacled Boy

may i be the first to introduce you to

the new

the improved (well, his eyesight anyhow)

C A R S O N:

he is so excited to have glasses like his big brother and sister!

next stop: hearing specialist. gotta love those notes home from the nurse.

this is the age that jordan's hearing loss was first discovered. we'd appreciate your prayers that this is NOT a serious issue. we've seen the pediatrician and she's ruled out an ear infection or extra fluid. we're hopeful that there's not significant hearing loss as in jordan's case, but we'll take it a day at a time.

to be continued...


Allison said...

Wow - he looks a lot like Austin in that first picture!

Stephie said...

He looks so grown up! Great frames!

Lori said...
