Saturday, November 3, 2012

thirty days of thanksgiving. DAY THREE.

today was filled with all sorts of fun moments.  carson & i headed out first thing this morning to run an errand for my job.  when we turned into the parking lot we spotted THIS fabulous piece of history.  i would SO SO SO drive one of these.  you can't not smile when you look at it, right????

while we were out we stopped at starbucks.  THE RED CUPS ARE BACK BABY!  and the sight of them makes me happy.  even though i never get to drink from one.  because i'm a weirdo.  and i only like my coffee cold.  no matter how absolutely utterly freezing it is outside.  ICE ICE BABY.

but carson enjoyed HIS hot cocoa by the fire.  and he was looking rather dapper in his hand selected ensemble.  he raided my scarves.  GOD I LOVE THIS KID.

last night jordan went to a football game and then spent the night at a friend's house.  tonight she's at a bonfire, and spending the night at another friend's house.  i'm glad she has friends. lol.  but it WAS nice to see her for awhile in between her social commitments.  we made the most of our time together and did some shopping (she told me that my outfit yesterday looked like i stepped out of a catalog...OMG...AND SHE DIDN'T EVEN WANT ANYTHING...SHE WAS JUST BEING NICE.  LOOOOOOVE HER).  she also erased all signs of aging out of my hair.  LOVE HER EVEN MORE.  she's gotten quite fabulous at this. not only is she GOOD at it but she's QUICK too.  and i pay her in shopping dollars.  and tip her with incredible advice on all things girly.  LOL.

and now i'm calling it a night.  watched a little recap of the SANDY footage from the north east.

need i say more?

TONIGHT I AM JUST THANKFUL.  it's been a great day.  i have children who make me smile, a warm bed to sleep in and there is NO GREY on my head.  WHAT MORE COULD A GIRL WANT?

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