Tuesday, April 7, 2009

a weird thing happened at the kohl's check out...

i found a couple of shirts for bobby on clearance at kohl's for easter.

one for saturday night, one for sunday morning. nothing fancy, but a little dressier than his typical workday polo shirts.

so i get to the checkout and the lady in front of me has a TON of stuff. she lets me go in front of her. she then asks if i have a coupon because SHE has a 30% off coupon.

i don't. she asks the checkout dude if i can use it before she does. and he says yes.


so he scans my stuff, applies the discount and then asks for my kohl's charge card.

uh-oh. i don't HAVE a kohl's charge card.


seriously? wow.

wished me MERRY CHRISTMAS (lol) and told me to:

i will. i will. i will.

isn't that just awesome?! i invited her to church and told her to look for my husband...that he'd be wearing the shirts saturday and sunday and to introduce herself.

who knows. maybe she'll actually come?

just blown away by the kindess of a stranger.

thank you kind lady. may your blessing be returned a gazillion times over :)


Heather said...

how awesomely kind! do you notice that those sort of things always kind of fall in place for you? i think it could be karma, and for as much of these cool things that happen for you and your family, you MUST be sending out so much more to others! =)

Coupons said...

It's very nice to hear the things happend to you.