Sunday, May 1, 2011

O is for OH HOW HE LOVES US...

do you ever feel the need to just say, 'ENOUGH????'stop. stop. NO, NO, NO!i am weighed down with a heavy heart right now. burdened for a friend. wishing that i could change their world. knowing that i can't. hoping, praying, begging for a breakthrough.

it stays with me through the day. the heaviness bears down on me in the middle of the night. i'm crying out for freedom. 'i run in the path of your commands for your TRUTH has set me free.'God, the TRUTH is that your love is the ONLY hope we have. all of our problems and momentary troubles fade if and when we are hit with the power of your love.

you LOVE us. oh how you love us. if we could just allow ourselves to believe feel KNOW not respond as wounded children...children who have been so scarred by life...children who doubt...children who flinch as you draw near, wondering what to expect this time around...if only we could respond out of trust and a secure knowledge of your neverending love for us.if i carry this burden for one that i love, i realize that you carry this burden for me too.heal us Lord. kiss our broken hearts. wipe away our tears and allow the tears that you cry for us to seep down into our wounded places, to heal us in places we didn't even realize needed healing.

oh how you love us.

allow us to believe it. for it is only in your love that we are truly free.

crying out for freedom. FREEDOM. break the chains. LET US RUN.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Beautiful! And something I needed to see, something I need to think about and pray about.

I'm sorry that your friend is having such a hard time. That's heartbreaking when you just want to fix it all but can't.

Lots of love to you, your family and your friend.