Friday, March 9, 2007

i've just given birth to my

under carson's orders.

he dressed up like an army guy today (that means his scout-shirt from tcp, a dressy necktie and his hat that came with his cowboy dress up set...and then of course, he carries a rifle with him).

so he ORDERS me to my bedroom and tells me to lay down on the bed b/c i have a baby in my belly and he's going to take it out.


he told me to shut my eyes...but i had to peek!

first he took the rifle and SHOT ME!!!!

oh my gosh!...I HAD TO INTERRUPT!

"why are you SHOOTING ME?"he says, " i have to...that's how i'm going to get the baby out!"

so then he stabs me with jordan's fuzzy pen and then hands me our new addition.

and then instructed me on the proper way to HOLD the baby because you need to hold it CAREFULLY.

sadly i deleted this pic from photobucket and don't remember what the 'baby' was.  all i remember is that it was something weird and definitely not a baby.  lol.

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