Thursday, November 13, 2008

not all pennies are created equal

sunday night, hudson set out to prove that SOME pennies are worth FAR more than just one lousy cent.

for some undisclosed-never-to-be-known reason he decided that it would be a good idea to ingest one. so our boring night in adjoining hotel rooms at the luxurious comfort suites (i'm being sarcastic...not the boring part...the luxurious part) became MUCH more exciting once the confession was made.
our pediatrician recommended that we take him in for an x-ray, but was pretty reassuring that we'd be back to the hotel in no time, and then the wait for him to 'produce' the penny from the other end would begin.

as we waited in the ER, even the triage people were making penny jokes. no one was laughing when the x-ray was completed and it was discovered that the penny was lodged in hudson's esophogus (or hud's version: suff-a-guss).

they prepared an O.R., put hudson under general anesthesia and off he went.

the surgeon arrived shortly after. in his quest for the penny, he discovered that it appears hudson's aorta is not where it should be. and so we will be following up with a CT scan to find out more on that.

the price of retracting the penny: some ungodly sum, i'm sure.

the price of discovering a heart anomaly: priceless.

and once again, it all works out for the good!

and because there is ALWAYS some humor to be found in these situations...a quote from hudson, VERBATIM, as we left the hospital parking lot:

'mom, dad...that was FUN. next time when i do it with a marble...'

he didn't get to finish the sentence...


to be continued...


jenn said...

Ohhhh, your A marble? swallowing or up the nose? He makes me laugh. God does always turn your disasters into good. Yeah God!
A. Jennjer

Lori said...

There is always a reason!
Love ya!