Friday, December 3, 2010


OKAY, SUUUURE, you've all heard of butterfly kisses. But I'm here to tell you that if ANYONE deserves my love this year, it's ABSOLUTELY shutterfly!

can i just say that this is THE BEST place for gift giving? i'm working on a majorly limited budget (what's new?) and it can be a challenge to find a gift that is really SPECIAL but also cheap (oops...i mean inexpensive LOL).

shutterfly bridges the gap between those two. REASONABLY PRICED. OH SO SPECIAL. and really, truly, gifts from the heart. PRICELESS.

my love relationship started years ago with shutterfly when i said goodbye to the photo print quickie cards from a box store and said hello to custom made cards that draw oohs and aahs from all my friends and family.

check this one out from years past and look how little austin is!!!!

i could go on and on about all the ways that i do love shutterfly but perhaps you should check them out yourself?

here are a few of my favorite things:

1. obviously, i've already mentioned the christmas cards. check out the INCREDIBLE selection that they have!

2. calendars!!! a gift that gets used EVERY DAY OF THE ENTIRE YEAR. can't say THAT about grandma's fruit cake!
3. custom made birthday cards! one of the things i've done over the years is made a birthday card for my daughter each year. no worries of it being a card that someone else is going to give her. and it has a picture of HER on it each year. doesn't get more lovely than that (in my completely unbiased opinion LOL).

please take the time to visit shutterfly. you could tell them that i sent you, but alas...i am just one of their many lovers :)


1 comment:

Chrissy said...

I love shutterfly. And I love you, too.