Friday, November 30, 2007


happy birthday to you,

happy birthday to you,

happy birthday deeeeeeeeeeear carson,

happy birthday to you!

life would NOT be the same without carson.

he keeps us laughing.

he keeps us refereeing.

he keeps us praying.

those who know me know i have a zero tolerance policy in my home for naughty words. the big kids have, unfortunately, grown wise to the fact that the 'S' word isn't actually stupid or shut-up.

but carson is still rather naive.

so the other night at basketball evaluations for a church rec league, he's awaiting his turn to do timed drills. he turns to me quite proudly and says,

'mom, when it's my turn i'm going to go out there and kick some a$$.'

oh my gosh. i'm still giggling about it. of course, i kept a straight face at the time & we had a little chat...the public school playground is most likely the culprit here...we'll have to stay on our toes LOL.

we're having birthday festivities after school today, so more pics later :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice carson you were always a character happy birthday love you