Tuesday, April 21, 2009

oh be careful little mouth what you say

ever have one of those headcolds where you just think surely you will die from lack of oxygen?

well, after FINALLY getting some relief from my allergies, i woke up this morning with the above referenced type of cold.

the kind where you have to actually CARRY the tissue box around with you. fun times.

ever meet one of those people who hates to take medicine? even if they're feeling rotten?

well, i AM one of those people. i'd rather suffer the symptoms of the ailment than suffer the symptoms of the cure.

and so i suffered through the day. but tonight...well...i just couldn't take another second. and so i took a child's dose, hoping for some relief.

carson was nearby and i asked him to pray for me. he asked what was wrong. so i told him:


and he INSTANTLY...i'm talking that VERY SECOND...burst into tears.

he thought i was going to die.


i tried to explain. i tried to giggle. i tried to make HIM giggle. nope. nothing. he prayed for me and by the end of the prayer he was SOBBING.

God, i LOVE this kid.

and God, if you're listening: I STILL CAN'T BREATHE.


Jenn said...

Oh my goodness, what a sweet boy!! I hope you are feeling better!

nielsons*love*family said...

LOLOL!!!! take the meds wendy! i USED to be the same, now medicine is my friend!

Jennifer said...

awww! lol