Saturday, January 28, 2012

the big birthday countdown, one...ZERO!!!!!!

this kind of loses it's excitement when you skip the final day LOL.

E is for easy-going.

your entry INTO this world was a piece of cake...up until the last minutes...when you got stuck...and we were whisked off to an operating room. daddy said i looked like the exorcist at that point.

after some serious forcep action you arrived...looking pretty darn frightening yourself LOL.

you STILL have a teeny scar next to your's mostly noticeable when you're sick.

but ever SINCE that traumatic entrance, you've made life easy on your momma.

and i thank you for that.

"you is kind. you is smart. you is important."

and i love you dearly.

happy, happy eighteen dude. so excited to see what the years ahead have in store for you.


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