Saturday, May 24, 2008

yeehaw...i got me a southern boy!

it's official.

carson may have been BORN in ohio, but he's left his yankee roots behind him and converted to a true texan.

he typically gets 'hot' lunch at school but every here and there, they've had days where they've needed to bring their lunch.
up north, we call it a brown-bag lunch. apparently his teacher calls it a SACK lunch.

well, CARSON calls it a STACK lunch.

this week, i sent him a packed lunch in his super cool FLAME motorcycle lunch box.
he forgot to take it out that night. so the next morning we're driving to school and he's looking in his backpack and i hear this:


lunch PAIL? seriously? apparently his teacher is stuck in a time warp.

i'd say more but it's time to go out yonder and tie up the horses.

pa is starting up the oil lamps so we can read before we go to bed.

'night all. sleep tight, ya hear?


Anonymous said...

heart him.

Pink your blog makes me smile.


Anonymous said...

You have officially lost your mind, sometimes I wonder. But you make us all LOL.
love you

notjustanylisa said...

Got a good laugh out of this one Wendy. He is so stinking cute!!