Wednesday, April 28, 2010


many many moons ago i worked in a huge building filled with office after office, cubicle after cubicle. my space was at the very back corner on the third floor.

directly across from me was my friend darlene who had a great sense of humor and kept me laughing regularly.

not far from us was the water fountain.

there was a tall, dark & handsome guy who worked in the department down the hall. he visited that water fountain frequently.

and darlene dubbed him buena vista.

and oh, was he ever. LOL.

imagine my delight when, one evening after work, he asked me to go out with him.

i was beyond ecstatic. and definitely a little nervous. okay, scratch that. a LOT nervous. because buena vista might be an understatement.

i'm trying to put my best foot forward as the evening progresses. we went to a neat little restaurant on the ocean front and then after that went for a walk on the beach.

we talked about our lives. i didn't have much of a work history at this point. i think i might have been 21? 22 tops? i had worked for a photographer, i was a full time nanny, i worked for attorneys...and now i was the administrative assistant to the vice president of PR.

as we stroll along the beach my heart is pounding. i definitely want to make a good impression.

he begins to talk about BABETTE'S FEAST

i don't even remember the exact details of what i said but i know that it had something to do with elephants. oh wait a minute...that's BABAR, not BABETTE.

this is what you get for spending all your time playing with children instead of going to foreign film debuts.

there was no second date.


Team Carter Jay said...

lmbo! I can relate to this. Remind me to tell you the story about my neighbor and the ballerina bar sometime.

Miss Amaziing said...

Pink I puffy heart you.