Saturday, November 24, 2012

30 days of thanksgiving. DAY 24.

if i could come up with a phrase to explain today it would be this:


you see, it started with holding back some tears as i said goodbye to austin.  we had a super great visit but he's headed back to liberty university to finish up his very first semester.    

while the day may have started fighting tears while i embraced austin, it has ended embracing laughter.

with my daughters.

yes.  plural.

and why why WHHHHYYYYYY are daughter and laughter spelled exactly the same except for the first letter but they don't rhyme?  explain this please.  or don't.  i don't really care.  i just think it's weird.  so there you go.

anyhow, my sweet daughter LEAH drove up from north carolina tonight.  she and jordan have all sorts of movies, hot cocoa...with extra skating tomorrow...and a senior picture photo shoot for leah...

they invited me to go shopping with them so we could find some stuff for the session tomorrow.  leah thinks that she and jordan were switched at birth and that she is TRULY my birth daughter.  i'm starting to believe this might be true.  lol.  

 i love these girls.  i love my boys too.

i'm thankful for hellos.  and goodbyes.

  today i am thankful for emotions.  they tell me i am alive.  i'd rather FEEL the ups and downs than to feel nothing at all.


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